Proto J6113F 3/8" Drive Dial Torque Wrench 10-50 ft-lbs, 1.4-7 mkg
SKU J6113F
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Proto® 3/8" Drive Dial Torque Wrench 10-50 ft-lbs, 1.4-7 mkg
- Accurate to ± 4% of torque reading in both directions at 20% to 100% of full scale
- Industrial all steel or aluminum torque transfer components
- High alloy torsion drive design — accuracy not effected by hand position
Additional Features
- Dual scale (English/Metric) with clockwise and counterclockwise operation — fewer wrenches needed to complete job
- Memory needles are standard on all wrenches except electric light models
- Easy-to-read, high contrast scale
- Laser marked serial number for traceability
- N.I.S.T. (National Institute of Standards and Technology) traceable CW certification supplied with each wrench